
30 Day Minimalism Game

At the beginning of January instead of making a set of resolutions I knew I wouldn’t meet, I decided to set goals attempting to use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound).  One of those goals (in addition to the 2020 Reading Challenge is to Get My House In Order.

My usual method is to look at “all these things I need to get done”, become overwhelmed, give up.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  I thought that perhaps this year I would try to use a method that has worked for me in the past when setting project goals at work and in college.

I have been a fan and occasional listener of The Minimalist Podcast, and I recalled that they have a 30 Day “Minimalism Game” that has worked for many other people.  I have known about this for a couple of years now but have never really tried to focus on giving it a real go.

Its time has come.

The physical clutter, the part you can’t see anyway, is hidden in every closet of my apartment, with much of it still exactly where I put it when I moved into my place on September 16, 2017.  That is a LONG time to be just sitting around, collecting dust and not contributing to the relationship.

It pesters the back of my mind often. It used to give me anxiety, so I spent a lot of time away from home.  Something has to change ❤

Here is a link to the post  for information on the 30 Day Minimalist Game.

To start with I decided that this game will begin on March 1 and run through the 31st.  Then I found an equation to figure out the total number of items I will be offloading over March.   Time for a Math Minute 🙂

To figure out the total of a set of numbers 1 through n is n(n+1) / 2.

I’ll use March as an example (1-31) would be:


31*32 / 2

992/2 = 496

“Do I even own that many things?”  Why yes, yes I do. For now. But not for long. *steeples her hands, Mr Burns style and says “Excellent” in a creepy voice*

I probably will not take pictures of every day’s items because who really wants to see my junk? Nobody, that’s who.  But I will most likely post an update now and then because, wow almost 500 things are leaving this apartment! That’s kind of a big deal, ja? Ja.

*already plotting*

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