
Mid-Feb Temp Blanket Update

In the words of several Arrested Development characters: “I’ve made a huge mistake.”

4 rows per day is going to leave me with a Bahamut sized blanket at the end of the year. Originally, I thought 4 rows per day would be a good idea since my first attempt at a temperature blanket was only 1 row per day and wasn’t going to end up very large at all.

Well, did I take into account that my first blanket was sock yarn and the current one is Aran/worsted weight? No. No, I did not.

I’ve therefore revised my plans for this thing.  I am going to finish February out in pattern, and then do another 5-row garter border and bind it off.

Starting in March I will do 2 rows per day instead.  I’ll end up with two blankets this year, but that’s okay. At the rate I’m going, the blanket is getting unwieldy and difficult to manage.

Here are some pictures to show you the February Pattern, which I found in a Leisure Arts book called Knit Stitch Guide by Rita Weiss.  This one is from page 31 and is called Eyelet Rib.

The first and last 5 sts are k to maintain the garter border.

R1: k2; *p5, k2; rep from * across.

R2: p2; *k5, p2; rep from * across.

R2: k2; *p5, k2; rep from * across

R4: p2; *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, p2; rep from * across

Repeat for pattern.

Have a good weekend, everyone 😊




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